20974 29Metals AR23 WEB V1 - Flipbook - Page 61
2023 key
Chair letter and
CEO report
& ESG Report
Mineral Resources
and Ore Reserves
Financial Report
Direct and indirect economic benefits
Case study
Kalkadoon Internship Program
Capricorn Copper recommenced the four-month
Community Internship Program during the Repor琀椀ng
Period. It is as an employee a琀琀rac琀椀on and development
ini琀椀a琀椀ve designed to engage First People local youths
in an Environmental Field Technician role to expose
them to the profession and provide transferrable skills.
Twenty-昀椀ve applica琀椀ons were received for the two
available roles at the end of 2023. While two were hired
for the Environmental Field Technician roles, Capricorn
Copper worked with the Youth Jus琀椀ce Group to 昀椀nd
placements for the remaining applicants throughout the
local community and are happy to report that all have
been awarded professional placements. The program
has also facilitated the longer-term placement of two
local candidates with our contractors, Steelcon and
29Metals is a significant employer
in the regions where we operate.
We aim to create positive social
changes in communities through
local procurement, business
development, mentoring and
capacity building.
We invest in our local communi琀椀es and contribute to local
prosperity and sustainability. We contribute to building more
diversi昀椀ed regional economies and communi琀椀es by o昀昀ering
new opportuni琀椀es for local businesses.
As detailed in Table 8 (over-page) there was an increase in the
propor琀椀on of total spending on suppliers located in the host
state and Australian suppliers during the Repor琀椀ng Period.
However, the overall local expenditure experienced a slight
decrease in 2023 compared to 2022. This reduc琀椀on was
a琀琀ributed to the fact that, despite the business being local,
some of the recipients of the payments were located in other
states, leading to these expenditures not being classi昀椀ed
as local spending.
Modern slavery
29Metals acknowledges its
responsibility to identify and address
modern slavery in its operations and
supply chains and is fully committed
to meeting its obligations under the
Modern Slavery Act 2018 and other
applicable laws in any jurisdiction
where 29Metals conducts business.
Case study
Building capacity in the mid-west of WA
29Metals is proud to support students through
the Geraldton University Hollomby Founda琀椀on.
The Founda琀椀on provides support to people from the
Mid-West of Western Australia to ful昀椀l their dreams and
build capacity in our region, and also grants awards each
year to individuals to recognise performance of those
students who are being support.
Emma Smith was presented the 2023 award in recogni琀椀on
of her performance in her Bachelor of Educa琀椀on studies.
29Metals is commi琀琀ed to developing and maintaining systems
and processes to detect and reduce the risk of modern slavery
in 29Metals’ supply chain. We prohibit the use of all forms
of modern slavery in our opera琀椀ons and require each person
working for 29Metals’ to respect and work to uphold human
rights. We require that our suppliers, contractors, consultants,
joint venture partners and business partners follow the same
high standards as we do. Suppliers must not engage in any
form of modern slavery and must adhere to all applicable laws
in the jurisdic琀椀ons in which they operate.