20974 29Metals AR23 WEB V1 - Flipbook - Page 59
2023 key
Chair letter and
CEO report
& ESG Report
Mineral Resources
and Ore Reserves
Financial Report
Our performance
2023 Sustainability
& ESG priorities
Develop a framework for
stakeholder engagement,
including community
partnership arrangements,
contributions to support
community programs and the
promotion of local business
and employees
There has been a concerted e昀昀ort to enhance engagement at
Capricorn Copper to keep the community and key stakeholder
informed of recovery e昀昀orts and opera琀椀onal projects
Continue to identify
opportunities to collaborate
with subject matter experts,
OEMs and peers to improve
Sustainability & ESG
Collabora琀椀on con琀椀nued with Byrnecut to understand
S&ESG collabora琀椀on opportuni琀椀es and share knowledge.
Byrnecut are our largest contractor and have a global reach,
meaning partnerships will have greater impact than work
independently. A measure of success includes Byrnecut
facilita琀椀ng metal health 昀椀rst aid training for 29M employees
at the same 琀椀me as for their own employees, resul琀椀ng in
e昀케ciencies in resources and being able to impact a larger
propor琀椀on of the total workforce
Continue stakeholder and
community engagement
regarding priorities for
Sustainability & ESG
Stakeholder and community engagement con琀椀nued,
including with First Peoples, and new ini琀椀a琀椀ves have
been developed
Golden Grove has a detailed stakeholder engagement
register, and have contributed to community programs,
scholarships, the SHINE program, as well as suppor琀椀ng
local businesses
Community Consulta琀椀ve Commi琀琀ees were established to
seek stakeholders’ engagement on opera琀椀ons ma琀琀ers
29Metals is commi琀琀ed to building and maintaining
long‑term and sustainable rela琀椀onships with key
stakeholders. We con琀椀nue to conduct regular
formal and informal stakeholder engagement
ac琀椀vi琀椀es, including one‑on‑one mee琀椀ngs,
consulta琀椀on groups, and wri琀琀en communica琀椀ons.
During and following the Extreme Weather Event
at Capricorn Copper30 our stakeholders expressed
concerns about the impact of the event on the site,
including the volume of water held on site. To work
in partnership and ins琀椀l trust, we had regular
engagement with the workforce, contractors and
suppliers, regulators and the local community on
the recovery plan and water management.
When opera琀椀ons were suspended at Capricorn
Copper following the Extreme Weather Event30,
we implemented a 昀氀exible working arrangement
for our employees since all the workforce was not
needed on site during that period.
Our cri琀椀cal employees, comprising approximately
50% of the total workforce, were retained on site.
Addi琀椀onally, 36 team members were seconded
to other sites, while some employees were stood
down or placed on annual leave.
No redundancies were made during this 琀椀me.
We also conducted consulta琀椀on mee琀椀ngs with
our workforce at Capricorn Copper following
the event. These mee琀椀ngs were facilitated by
department managers, and human resources
representa琀椀ves for individuals, ensuring 昀椀rsthand
informa琀椀on was communicated to them.
To strengthen Sustainability & ESG measures
with our goods and services providers, a revision
to the pre‑quali昀椀ca琀椀on process occurred during
the Repor琀椀ng Period. New suppliers for goods
and services, as well as those which had not
previously undergone a prequali昀椀ca琀椀on process,
went through the new process to ensure the new
standards are being met.
We strongly believe in clear communica琀椀on
and people related items such as performance
objec琀椀ves and development. Therefore,
informa琀椀on on business key results and projects
is communicated quarterly to the workforce
through the Town Hall process.
30. Refer to: “Impact of Extreme Rainfall on Capricorn Copper Opera琀椀ons” released to the ASX announcements pla琀昀orm on
9 March 2023; “Capricorn Copper Opera琀椀ons Update” released to the ASX announcements pla琀昀orm on 15 March 2023;
and “Strategic Update” released to the ASX announcements pla琀昀orm on 23 May 2023.