20974 29Metals AR23 WEB V1 - Flipbook - Page 199
2023 key
Chair letter and
CEO report
& ESG Report
Mineral Resources
and Ore Reserves
Financial Report
29Metals Appendix 4E and Annual Financial Report for 29Metals Limited and its Controlled Entities for the year ended 31 December 2023
Consolidated Financial Statements
Note 34: Share-based payments (continued)
Recognition and measurement
he cost of e uity settled transactions is determined by the fair alue at the date hen the grant is made using an appropriate aluation model, further
details of hich are gi en abo e.
hat cost is recognised in employee benefits e pense, together ith a corresponding increase in e uity ( hare based payment eser e , o er the period
in hich the ser ice and, here applicable, the performance conditions are fulfilled (the esting period . he cumulati e e pense recognised for e uity
settled transactions at each reporting date until the esting date reflects the e tent to hich the esting period has e pired and the Group’s best estimate
of the number of e uity instruments that ill ultimately est.
he e pense or credit in the statement of comprehensi e income for a period represents the mo ement in cumulati e e pense recognised as at the
beginning and end of that period. er ice and non mar et performance conditions are not ta en into account hen determining the grant date fair alue
of a ards, but the li elihood of the conditions being met is assessed as part of the Group’s best estimate of the number of e uity instruments that ill
ultimately est. ar et performance conditions are reflected ithin the grant date fair alue. ny other conditions attached to an a ard, but ithout an
associated ser ice re uirement, are considered to be non esting conditions. on esting conditions are reflected in the fair alue of an a ard and lead
to an immediate e pensing of an a ard unless there are also ser ice and or performance conditions.
o e pense is recognised for a ards that do not ultimately est because non mar et performance and or ser ice conditions ha e not been met. here
a ards include a mar et or non esting condition, the transactions are treated as ested irrespecti e of hether the mar et or non esting condition is
satisfied, pro ided that all other performance and or ser ice conditions are satisfied.
he diluti e effect of outstanding performance rights is reflected as additional share dilution in the computation of diluted earnings per share.
Note 35: Related parties
(a) Parent entity
he ultimate holding entity is
ote .
etals imited. Information about the Group’s structure, including details of the controlled entities are set out in
(b) Compensation to executive key management personnel and non-executive directors of the Group
Key management personnel (‘