20974 29Metals AR23 WEB V1 - Flipbook - Page 148
29Metals 2023 Annual Report
Consolidated Financial Statements continued
29Metals Appendix 4E and Annual Financial Report for 29Metals Limited and its Controlled Entities for the year ended 31 December 2023
Consolidated Financial Statements
Note 5: Segment information
Identification of reportable segments
he Group has determined that it has three reportab e segments Go den Gro e apricorn opper and
e p oration acti ities at Go den Gro e and apricorn opper
p oration ( hich inc udes edhi and regiona
he fo o ing summary describes the operations of each reportab e segment
Reportable segments
ase and precious meta s mining minera production and associated acti ities
ase and precious meta s mining minera production and associated acti ities
p oration for minera resources at edhi ( hi e and regiona e p oration at Go den Gro e ( estern ustra ia and apricorn
opper ( ueens and
na ocated operations inc ude corporate and administrati e functions
hich are managed on a group basis and are not a ocated to reportab e
he performance of reportab e segments is e a uated at east month y based on re enues and
/d is earnings before finance income finance costs any unrea ised foreign e change gains or osses any rea ised and unrea ised gains or osses on
deri ati e financia instruments asset impairment as a resu t of damage or oss from the treme eather ent at apricorn opper impairment
e pense re ating to the apricorn opper cash generating unit rite do n of in entory rite off of e p oration and e a uation e penditure income ta
e pense (benefit and depreciation and amortisation reconci iation of
to profit after ta is sho n in ote (b
is a non
information metric used by the Group’s chief operating decision makers (‘KD’ as the primary measure for assessing financia performance
eta s
considers that
pro ides additiona meaningfu information to assist stakeho ders to understand the under ying performance of the business
egment re enues represent re enue from the sa e of copper concentrate inc concentrate and ead concentrate
refining charges and shipping re enue
segment re enue is from third parties
hich is net of re ated treatment and
egment assets and segment iabi ities do not inc ude intercompany ba ances
apita e penditure comprises payments for p ant and e uipment assets under construction mine de e opment e p oration and studies e penditure